2021 Kick-Off:
​​​​​​​A Message of Thanks and Reflection from VIPKid’s Co-Founder

Dear teachers,

As we start the new year, I want to thank the entire VIPKid teacher community and reflect upon the challenges we have faced as well as the progress we have made as a company and community.

Thank you to each and every one of you. In 2020, we came together to reach some truly incredible milestones while enduring many hardships. There is a lot to be proud of, but at the same time, I want to be transparent in acknowledging the obstacles the community has faced this past year. VIPKid is committed to working through these challenges as we enter the new year. 

First, some highlights and fun numbers to share from 2020:

Over 1.5 billion minutes were spent in the online classroom in 2020.
VIPKid now has over 800,000 students across 103 countries.
Our Teacher Service team responded to over 370,000 tickets in 2020.
Teachers earned a combined 47 million apples in feedback from parents in 2020.
We saw about 2.5 million posts and comments in the Official Facebook Group and the Hutong in 2020. 
There were over 500 virtual teacher meet-ups in 2020, and over 3,000 teachers attended the first online Journey conference.

Our Product and Community teams also worked hard to introduce new improvements to the teaching platform and community this year. For example, we launched the Practice Classroom, the ability to block time periods, and the Community Social Directory.  Additionally, in collaboration with teachers on the platform, we worked to update and improve our online communities and released Community Guidelines and Moderation Guidelines for our online and in-person communities. It is our hope that these updates, among others, have enhanced your VIPKid experience. 

With much to be proud of in 2020, we also faced many unprecedented challenges, as a company and also as a global society. 

COVID-19 impacted our entire community and continues to do so. So many of us have endured unthinkable loss, struggle, and heartbreak. I hope that during these difficult times, our community has served as a place of comfort and refuge and will continue to act as such in the new year. Supporting teachers through the ongoing pandemic is still our foremost priority. We are dedicated to being here for you and your loved ones through the troubling times that may lie ahead. 

Despite the adversities we faced, teachers stepped up to support their students and stood out as leaders in online education as many people experienced teaching online for the first time. While we continue to navigate this new era, I am thankful for the community’s positive attitude and optimism. I am confident that in the years to come, we will look back at 2020 in awe of what our community was able to achieve. 

This past year, we also recognized the important truth that as a company and as a society we have a long way to go in addressing diversity, inclusion, and equity within our communities. VIPKid is committed to supporting and ensuring the success of Black teachers and teachers of color on the platform. If you haven’t seen our most recent communications, you can learn more about the steps we are taking here as we enter 2021. 

As many of you are also aware, in 2020, we introduced several new payment changes. I understand that changes to monetary incentives may negatively impact your experience and your perception of the company. I want you to know that my team and I take each of these choices very seriously with deep consideration for what is in the best interest of teachers, students, and the company. While I recognize these decisions may feel unfavorable in the short term, our goal is to be able to support all teachers and ensure VIPKid is here for the long run. We aim to foster opportunities for each and every teacher to have success on the VIPKid platform; our team is here to support you at every step of the way. We appreciate your understanding and always welcome your feedback as you grow with us through the next chapter. This community’s resilience and ability to overcome adversity are a direct testament to your dedication and passion. For this, I thank you.

In 2021, there are a lot of exciting new projects and opportunities ahead. We plan to grow our student base by offering different content areas and subjects that meet the needs of our students, making VIPKid a one-stop-shop for online learning. Some of you may have heard about the new pilot programs we are working on (Book Nook, Mini Mighty Book Club). VIPKid is also in the early stages of expanding new products to new geographical areas to bring in new students, parents, and teachers from other parts of the world! We hope to continue to grow VIPKid in new parts of the world and expand our product offering, subjects taught, and course lines.

While many of these projects are in initial phases, in 2021, we hope these programs allow VIPKid to continue to grow as the global leader in online education. Stay tuned for more information and ways to get involved in these programs! 

In February, we have enriching and engaging campaigns planned for Black History Month and Lunar New Year. We look forward to exciting and inspiring the community to celebrate and learn; we will share more about this work in the coming months. 

We say it time and again, but the teacher community is truly an essential part of the global classroom we are collectively building. VIPKid’s success is directly due to your daily contributions and we are so grateful for your talents, expertise, and dedication. It is our desire to hold firmly to our mission of inspiring and empowering every child for the future. In 2021, I know that together, utilizing the collective strength of our teacher community, we can overcome any challenge we may face.

On behalf of everyone here at VIPKid, we wish you and your loved ones health, success, and joy this year.


Jessie Chen

VIPKid Co-Founder